Stewardship 2025 –
We celebrate that Harvard-Epworth Church is composed of so many elements: a home for vibrant worship; a center for learning; a hub for service; a place of comfort; a focus on justice; a family of faith. In a society often shaken by anxiety, loneliness, and division, we seek to offer an experience of “Beloved Community” as described by Martin Luther King Jr.: a community of inclusion, mercy, justice, love, and forgiveness.
MLK’s words echo the Hebrew prophet Micah’s call to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.” That call forms a template for all we do at Harvard-Epworth Church, as we live in faithful witness and loving service to the world.
This fall we are focusing on the theme of “Building Beloved Community.” Just like individual blocks come together to form a tower, just like individual strands come together to form a web, each of us is a vital component of the Beloved Community of Harvard-Epworth. Each of us is a different expression of God’s delight; each of us brings a unique combination of passion and skills. Together we form a beautiful picture of love that reaches out into a hurting world.
A puzzle piece is a small but essential part of this picture that shows people working together to build a colorful, inclusive symbol of authentic Christian community. You are like this puzzle piece! As you share your gifts and passions with Harvard-Epworth Church, we become a more complete example of God’s love.
You may click here to fill out two online forms. One is for your financial pledge for 2025. Shared giving is our expression of gratitude for and commitment to God’s love and justice, and a crucial part of making vibrant ministry possible at Harvard-Epworth Church. Please be in prayer about how God is calling you to offer a financial commitment that helps Build Beloved Community. You may also click here to view a Step-Up Chart, showing this year’s giving patterns and challenging us each to increase our giving one or more steps.
If you’ve not made a pledge before, we encourage you to do so. Making an annual commitment of giving provides a solid foundation for your faith and strengthens our congregation’s connection to God and each other.
The second form asks you to consider the other ways that you are part of Harvard-Epworth’s ministries. How are your unique gifts part of our beloved community? Please share your responses on this card. You may click here to go directly to that form or be re-directed after completing the Financial Pledge for 2025 by clicking here.
On Stewardship Sunday, November 17, we invite you to make a financial pledge and a pledge of your gifts and talents to support the ministry of Harvard-Epworth UMC. You may make a pledge in one of two ways:
- For those who attend worship in person on November 17, please bring your pledge cards forward to the front of the church during the service. Following worship, we’ll enjoy a meal together.
- For those who attend online on November 17, please make a pledge at this website: The confidential financial form will send your pledge information to the Financial Secretary, Andrew Ray, who will tally the online and in-person giving that morning. The Building Beloved Community form will be received by the pastors and lay leaders as we shape Harvard-Epworth’s ministry in the coming year.
We are so blessed to have you as a vital part of Harvard-Epworth Church. Your generous offering of time, gifts, service, and witness is one of many “puzzle pieces” that Build Beloved Community. Thank you for your commitment to your faith in God and your commitment to Harvard-Epworth Church. We look forward to making this commitment together on November 17!

Stewardship 2025 –
Building Beloved Community
We celebrate that Harvard-Epworth Church is composed of so many elements: a home for vibrant worship; a center for learning; a hub for service; a place of comfort; a focus on justice; a family of faith. In a society often shaken by anxiety, loneliness, and division, we seek to offer an experience of “Beloved Community” as described by Martin Luther King Jr.: a community of inclusion, mercy, justice, love, and forgiveness.
MLK’s words echo the Hebrew prophet Micah’s call to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.” That call forms a template for all we do at Harvard-Epworth Church, as we live in faithful witness and loving service to the world.
This fall we are focusing on the theme of “Building Beloved Community.” Just like individual blocks come together to form a tower, just like individual strands come together to form a web, each of us is a vital component of the Beloved Community of Harvard-Epworth. Each of us is a different expression of God’s delight; each of us brings a unique combination of passion and skills. Together we form a beautiful picture of love that reaches out into a hurting world.
A puzzle piece is a small but essential part of this picture that shows people working together to build a colorful, inclusive symbol of authentic Christian community. You are like this puzzle piece! As you share your gifts and passions with Harvard-Epworth Church, we become a more complete example of God’s love.
You may click here to fill out two online forms. One is for your financial pledge for 2025. Shared giving is our expression of gratitude for and commitment to God’s love and justice, and a crucial part of making vibrant ministry possible at Harvard-Epworth Church. Please be in prayer about how God is calling you to offer a financial commitment that helps Build Beloved Community. You may also click here to view a Step-Up Chart, showing this year’s giving patterns and challenging us each to increase our giving one or more steps.
If you’ve not made a pledge before, we encourage you to do so. Making an annual commitment of giving provides a solid foundation for your faith and strengthens our congregation’s connection to God and each other.
The second form asks you to consider the other ways that you are part of Harvard-Epworth’s ministries. How are your unique gifts part of our beloved community? Please share your responses on this card. You may click here to go directly to that form or be re-directed after completing the Financial Pledge for 2025 by clicking here.
On Stewardship Sunday, November 17, we invite you to make a financial pledge and a pledge of your gifts and talents to support the ministry of Harvard-Epworth UMC. You may make a pledge in one of two ways:
- For those who attend worship in person on November 17, please bring your pledge cards forward to the front of the church during the service. Following worship, we’ll enjoy a meal together.
- For those who attend online on November 17, please make a pledge at this website: The confidential financial form will send your pledge information to the Financial Secretary, Andrew Ray, who will tally the online and in-person giving that morning. The Building Beloved Community form will be received by the pastors and lay leaders as we shape Harvard-Epworth’s ministry in the coming year.
We are so blessed to have you as a vital part of Harvard-Epworth Church. Your generous offering of time, gifts, service, and witness is one of many “puzzle pieces” that Build Beloved Community. Thank you for your commitment to your faith in God and your commitment to Harvard-Epworth Church. We look forward to making this commitment together on November 17!