A Message from Pastor Herb Taylor

To Harvard-Epworth Church Family and Friends,

Even though we were scattered, we gathered for Easter through the livestream on Sunday. What a wonderful response with people joining all around the country and the world to rejoice in Harvard-Epworth’s Easter celebration. In the midst of this crisis we have much to be thankful for at Harvard-Epworth. First and foremost, I want to thank Mike Thomas and Philip Tan from our church family who have been the audio/visual/online heroes. They have enabled our church to be able to quickly respond to our new reality and to provide worship and programming without missing a beat.

I also want to thank Alyssa and Dom, who have continued to offer ministry offerings for children, youth, university students and young adults. In addition to providing Video Lessons, Alyssa, and I, led a “Parenting during COVID 19” and, with the help of the director of the Allium Montessori school from our church, she developed a resource document now shared by the parents. And Alyssa also put together a “Whats App” group where parents are connecting and supporting each other. Dom has continued to lead the way for our young adults who have adapted and now enjoy virtual brunch bunch, movie nights, and more together.

Another thank goes to Katie Carlone, who has blessed the church for years through leading our Wednesday morning prayer call, and now has added a Saturday morning check-in prayer time as well. In addition, thanks goes to the many people who responded to my call for Palms and Easter Flowers to be delivered, and who left on people’s doorsteps this token of care and connection from our church.

We hope that you have had your spirits lifted by our church as we rise up in response to this crisis with faith, hope and love. In that spirit, here are a couple other uplifting experiences to share in. A Global United Methodist Virtual Choir singing together “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” – you can sing along with them at this link. Also, you can be inspired by the Royal Choral Society, who would not let this virus keep them from remotely gathering to sing Handel’s Messiah, by going to this YouTube link.

“See” you at church as we rise up together as Easter people. Thank you for all you do to help the love of God to rise up for others each day.

Grace and peace,
