Week of Events
Women/Non-Binary Potluck
Women/Non-Binary Potluck
All women and non-binary people are invited to join together on Tuesday, March 11 at 6:45pm, at Erin Murphy's home (632 Massachusetts Ave in Central Square in Cambridge). This location is wheelchair accessible. We’ll meet for food and conversation; bring a dish to share if you can, but it’s not necessary. Please contact Erin Murphy…
Wednesday Study and Spirit
Wednesday Study and Spirit
We meet at 7:00 p.m. in person in the library and online at https://zoom.us/j/92617849023 to explore different biblical texts and topics on Christian spirituality. Consult each week's bulletin for details.
Outdoor Church Sandwich Ministry
Outdoor Church Sandwich Ministry
Our Outdoor Church volunteer team will be taking sandwiches to the homeless in Harvard and Central Squares. We need providers to make 60 to 80 sandwiches. For details and to sign up, please contact Lane at jamaicaplainlane@gmail.com.